How would your life change if you could
stop fighting with your body?
FREE GUIDE - 6 Keys to Make Peace with Food: A simple process to release guilt, shame & anxiety around food & embrace intuitive eating--so you can enjoy eating again! Get instant access now.
You're here because:

- You spend so much time and energy obsessing over food (+ your body & weight), it feels like life is one big struggle for control. You want that time and energy BACK (you have better things to do!)
- You've been on just about every diet out there. Some "worked" for a bit. Others were just plain miserable from the start. You want OUT of the diet-binge cycle.
- You want a better relationship with your body. You want peace with food, and you want to at least like your body (but wonder if it's possible).
- You're exhausted from doing the same thing over and over again only to gain MORE weight and feel worse about yourself after each abandoned diet.
- You KNOW diets don't work but even the plans & programs that claim, "We're a lifestyle change!" or "We aren't a diet!" all look and feel suspiciously familiar to your painful past experiences...
- You may have even read a book or took a class on intuitive eating or mindful eating, but your challenges in applying it made you think it's not for you or you're one of the few it won't "work" for.
But most of all...
You want to stop fighting your body, forever trying to conform to the "thin ideal" (that doesn't exist), in the hope of finally believing you're "good enough"...
You want PEACE, FREEDOM and your LIFE back!
I get it. I've been there (for a large part of my life, actually).
And I'm here to tell you -- there's a better way.
Here's the thing I discovered...
Attempting to control your body using restriction, diets, willpower, overexercise, etc., is fighting your body - and your body will do what's necessary to protect itself (that's its job!).
This leads to physical & mental stress, food obsession, sleep disturbances, disconnection from bodily cues, energy crashes, weight gain, and becoming trapped in the vicious diet-binge cycle.
But when you stop fighting your body and partner with it instead, you'll return to a relationship of Mutual Trust™... peace with food & your body. More time, space, and energy to focus on what's truly important in your life.

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I'm Gillian Hood, and I help women (who are sick and tired of obsessing over food & eating) make peace with food and their bodies.
I'm a former binge eater, chronic dieter, compulsive exerciser, control freak, people pleaser, and I fought my body for years. Maybe you can relate?
What I want you to know is you are not alone.
As a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Health at Every Size® (HAES)-informed practitioner, I'll help you develop what I call a Mind-Body Mutual Trust™ relationship that brings freedom and peace with food and your body.
Your challenges with food, eating, exercise, or your body are not your fault. You don't need a magic pill, more willpower, or to cut out a certain food. Freedom comes from escaping the diet-binge cycle, rejecting the lies of diet culture, and partnering with your body. The result?
More time, more energy, better health, and the FREEDOM to live your life and pursue your dreams NOW. No more "weighting"!
“From dieting & binging to listening to my body & enjoying food.”
"For so many years I have had weight loss, dieting and food on my mind constantly. It felt like a never ending battle.
When I first contacted Gillian, I was hesitant to give up dieting, I was terrified of what the results may be. The intuitive eating process is now finally giving me the freedom to start living life. My days and moods are no longer centered around food and I am able to think about other areas of my life. Gillian really helped guide me from dieting and binging to being able to listen to my body and enjoy my food without guilt."
- Laura Economos
Ready to make peace with food and your body?
“I’m sorry I didn’t talk to her sooner.”
"When I started working with Gillian, I felt terrible about my body. I would beat myself up about every little slip. Each time I weighed myself or looked in the mirror, I would feel awful.
Gillian taught me how to love and care for my body. She taught me that I am not a bad person because of my weight. I learned how to enjoy life now and not be a prisoner in my body. I feel much better about my body now than I ever have, and I feel much healthier and freer now that weight is less of an issue for me. I believe Gillian is really helping women to become their best and live up to their potential. I’m sorry I didn't talk to her sooner. I feel like I am finally being my own best friend."
– Wendy K.
Get your time and energy back.